Dogs on the Beach Series
Dogs on the Beach inspiration comes from the many times that I have watched dogs running around on the beach during the off-season. I enjoy watching the interaction of owners with their pets and the pure joy of these dogs as they have the time of their lives.
The interaction between human and animal, the sunlight, the colors - all of these combine to make dynamic compositions that inspire me to paint.
As I create these paintings, I do not scan them for prints, so each painting is truly original, with no one else owning a print of the image.

Dogs on the Beach 9
It was funny to watch this sappy Labrador retriever’s reluctance to go back out into the rolling surf to fetch his ball. His owner pointed and insisted while he pretended to not understand or see where she was pointing. Finally, he got the courage to brave the waves and fetched the ball.

Dogs on the Beach #1: acrylic on masonite 10x8"
SOLD: I laughed when viewers remarked what a sweet moment this was between a lady and her two dogs. The real story was that the little dog kept stealing the big dog’s turns so the lady had to scold the little dog to get him to share. Either way, all three had a fun time after all!
Dogs on the Beach #3 acrylic on masonite, 8x10"
SOLD: I saw these dogs taking their owner for a walk. Either way, the surf, the salty air and the beach made the walk enjoyable for all.

Dogs on the Beach #2: acrylic on masonite, 8x10"
SOLD: This little pug needed plenty of encouragement from his owner to keep up with her. It was a beautiful day for a walk on the beach.
Dogs on the Beach #4: acrylic on masonite, 8x10"
SOLD: I liked the way these guys looked in a group, just talking. What was funny was their dog was just as chill, more interested in his human companions than all the other dogs running around on the beach.
Dogs on the Beach #6 acrylic on masonite, 8x10"
Available: Although dogs are supposed to be on leash while on the beach, I enjoy watching them when their owners let them run around. This painting is of one such group, and it was comical to see them interact and enjoy the open space.

Dogs on the Beach #8 acrylic on masonite, 8x10"
Private Collection: This scene is of my daughter and her dog, so it was especially fun to create. The only challenge was to choose one out of the dozens of photos I've taken of them over the years. I chose this one partly for the lack of horizon and the deep blue of the sea as it rolls in.